826 Quarterly Volume 15

The 826 Quarterly Vol 15 is fresh off the press. This edition of excellent student writing contains a foreword from Oscar Villalon, managing editor of the literary journal ZYZZYVA and former books editor of the San Francisco Chronicle. This collection has stories that range from whimsical tales of vampires and talking cats to Karen Medina’s poignant nonfictional account of her mother’s immigration. From realism to off the wall these stories are all captivating and unique!

Read this excerpt from “Conversations with Walmart Cat” by fifteen-year-old Lucie Pereira:

“You’re disgusting,” I tell him. “ You bathe yourself in your own saliva. Think about that.”

“At least I bathe myself at all,” he retorts.

“Very funny.” I point a finger at him and plop down on the couch opposite from him, ignoring the reality show that lights up the TV, and focusing on his grouchy orange face.

“You know, you’re going to have to wash those dishes eventually,” he lectures. “Ellen hates it when you leave your mess around.”

“Everyone’s a critic,” I sigh, throwing my hands up with exasperation. “Seriously, who are you, my mother? And, by the way, just because you’re a grumpy old man doesn’t mean you have to act like one all the time.”

“I’m old, but I’m wise,” he says slyly. “Which is more than I can say for some people.”

“Okay, seriously.” I switch off the TV, and he meows loudly in protest.