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Announcing: 826 Valencia’s 2014 Scholarship Program

Each year, we award up to six $15,000 scholarships to college-bound students in the Bay Area. 2014 applications are due by Friday, March 7. Find the application form and guidelines within!

Scholarship winners Roger Davila, Sintia Henriquez and Marshon Darden-Smith shine their pearly whites for the camera.
Scholarship winners Roger Davila, Sintia Henriquez and Marshon Darden-Smith shine their pearly whites for the camera.

Each year, we award up to six $15,000 scholarships to college-bound students in the Bay Area, including:

•  The Young Author’s Scholarship
•  The Nathan Jillson Memorial Scholarship
•  The Irving Hochman Memorial Scholarship
•  The Taylor Renfrew Ingham Memorial Scholarship

To be eligible you must:

•  be a high school graduating senior.
•  demonstrate financial need.
•  attend a high school in the Bay Area.
•  demonstrate intent to enroll in a vocational school, college, or university.
•  have an extracurricular interest in the written word.

Anyone who meets the above criteria may apply, but preference will be given to students who attend public high schools in San Francisco.

Complete applications must be received at 826 Valencia by Friday, March 7, 2014 at 5:00 PM.


Please type all written materials in a legible twelve-point font. Use the attached form as the
cover sheet for your packet. A complete application contains the following materials: (number each section of your application accordingly and include your first and last name at the top right corner):

  1. a) List of schools to which you are applying and an explanation of your choices.
    b) Statement about your involvement and activities. List any sports, clubs, work, or other responsibilities you have outside of school. If you have any past involvement with 826 Valencia, describe that as well.
    c) Any community involvement or volunteer service you have completed.
  2.  ONE of the two items below:
    a) A copy of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) if you have already completed it, OR
    b) A one-paragraph explanation of your financial need and family background. For example, does your family receive any federal benefits like food stamps, free or reduced price lunch, or temporary assistance for needy families? Please include the highest level of education of your legal guardian(s), his or her occupation, yearly income, and your family size. Explain how you anticipate funding your college education if you do not receive this scholarship.
  3. An essay, no more than three pages in length, telling us a bit about yourself. What do you hope to accomplish with your college education and how will you make an impact on your community? What sets you apart? What are your passions? If you wrote such an essay for college applications, you may use it.
  4.  An original story or essay of 500 words minimum describing what you will pack for your transition to college to prepare you for what lies ahead. Think of the tangible and intangible things. This essay will most likely be new material for this application, and it will give us a better idea of how you express yourself through writing.
  5. Choose at least one reference, a teacher or mentor, to write a letter of recommendation on your behalf. You may include this endorsement along with your application, as long as it is signed and sealed. It may also be sent to us directly from the letter writer.

The following materials are optional:
•  a picture or illustration of you with your family
•  additional written work or mixed media
•  awards you have received

Send complete application packet to:

826 Valencia –Scholarship Program
Attention: Lauren Hall
826 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

Only submit a hardcopy of your application—no emailed applications will be accepted. You may also drop off applications at 826 Valencia. If you need facilities to type and print your work, 826 Valencia is available for this purpose.

The final deadline for all 2014 scholarship applications is Friday, March 7. Application packets and letters of recommendation must be received at 826 Valencia by 5:00 PM on this day.

Questions? Contact:
Lauren Hall
415.642.5905 x 207

Download the application packet here:
826 Valencia Scholarship Application 2014
