Celebrating Issue 50 of the Valencia Bay-farer!

Can it be? Issue FIFTY of our in-house newspaper, the product of a six-week evening workshop in the 826 Writing Lab. We couldn’t be more proud!

Over six weeks in April and May, sixteen young journalists between the ages of eight and thirteen joined a dozen tutors here in the 826 Valencia Writing Lab to develop content for the special fiftieth issue of our in-house newspaper, the Valencia Bay-farer.

On May 14th, we gathered together to celebrate the release of this incredible publication. Printed in color, and on real newsprint paper — both firsts for the publication — and coming in at twelve pages, issue #50 blew the crowd away.

Naturally, during the party, the young writers took turns on stage reading their pieces, and in-so-doing, brought their vibrant stories to life in their own wonderful voices. Highlights included Jasper Bettag’s (age 10) dramatic reading of his article about the aftermath of the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, and Brian Moore’s (age 9) hilarious, yet informative, prescriptions for ridding ourselves of pesky Rats, Raccoons, and Skunks.

Special thanks must go out to the incredible instructors of the Valencia Bay-farer, past and present, and the countless tutors who have helped to provided a near one-on-one tutor-to-student ratio over the last twelve years!

Thank you also to our talented and dedicated volunteer designer Tim R., who worked tirelessly over the course of one week (!!) to design a gorgeous newspaper, and to our design department for cranking out the in-house production, hot off the presses and straight into the hands of the students and their families.

Find out more about upcoming workshops and publishing opportunities for students at 826 Valencia!