Proudly presenting Richtan Batac, our Volunteer of the Month

“826 not only helps students discover their own potential, but also helps tutors discover their own as well,” says Rich.

Rich Batac is a dedicated, positive, passionate 826 tutor. He began tutoring with us through the SF State teaching pre-credential program, in which participants are required to log a specific number of tutoring hours. Rich logged his hours and then stayed actively involved as an 826 Valencia volunteer, which is a rare commitment for a busy college student. In addition to the countless other in-school projects he’s done, Rich has worked on two issues of Mission Magazine, guiding students through researching, writing, and editing articles about social justice topics that matter to them. He is extremely kind and encouraging with students, while cracking just the right number of jokes to keep things interesting! Rich and his students both light up when they’re talking about a topic they care about or when they make a big breakthrough in the writing process.

Here’s Rich, in the third person but in his own words:Rich Batac

Rich (whose secret identity is actually Richtan, but for now let’s keep that a secret between us) started volunteering with 826 Valencia in 2013. He was born and raised in the Bay Area, where he was exposed to an influential group of instructors who inspired him to follow in their footsteps.

Ever since his first in-schools project with 826, he knew that he wanted to keep coming back. He feels honored to share priceless conversations and experiences with students—especially when randomly referencing things like Justin Bieber, because whether you love him, hate him, or prefer no comment, let’s admit it: a mere mention of that divisive name invites us to giggle and puts us in a mood to keep doing whatever we’re doing. Rich vows that 826 not only helps students discover their own potential, but also helps tutors discover their own as well.

In addition to volunteering with 826 Valencia, Rich is a tutor at a learning center, an aide at a recreation center, and planning to earn his teaching credential. When not tutoring, he’ll be heard causing a ruckus somewhere by smashing on drums or babbling about the beauty of mixed martial arts.

Thank you Rich, for all that you do, from your expert tutoring to your effective Justin Bieber jokes!

To read about all of our featured volunteers, visit the Volunteer of the Month gallery.