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Fall in love with these young writers from 826CHI!

Our friends at 826CHI have created a series of heart-warming videos showcasing Chicago students reading their published writing. We think these videos beautifully encapsulate the imagination, creativity, and revelrous spirit of 826CHI!

In early 2013, 826CHI launched a partnership with Engaging Philanthropy, Inspiring Creatives (EPIC) and its team of talented volunteer designers. As a continuation of that partnership, Designkitchen, an advertising firm in Chicago, offered to produce a series of videos showcasing 826CHI students reading their published writing. We think these videos beautifully encapsulate the imagination, creativity, and revelrous spirit of 826CHI.

All of these students regularly attend 826CHI’s After School Tutoring program, where they fill writing notebooks with their fantastic stories, memoirs, and poetry. Their work is published in chapbooks on a quarterly basis, and can be purchased in The Boring Store.