Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for this event!
Join The Night Writer Society on May 17, from 7:30 to 9:00 PM for Writing the Young Adult Novel, a workshop all about writing for young adults. In this evening for writers (ages 21+) and would-be writers of YA, we’ll look at the extraordinary breadth of young adult fiction and what goes into writing an exceptional novel for teens, including startling beginnings and satisfying endings, big ideas and small ones, and why looking for Alaska has nothing to do with geography.
Night Writer Society events are a great opportunity to mingle and meet other writers, enjoy beer courtesy of Almanac Beer Co., our official beer sponsor, and learn a new skill. Plus, all the profits from this series directly support 826 Valencia’s free student programs.
Sign up for Writing the Young Adult Novel, taught by author and longtime 826 Valencia volunteer, Erica Lorraine Scheidt.
Founded on the principles of camaraderie and “i before e” (except after c), The Night Writer Society gathers at convivial literary workshops, seminars, and soirees held at 826 Valencia. Each event begins with mingling, wine, and storytelling, leading into the main event. Join your fellow writers for these enlightening workshops and seminars, benefiting your creativity and the free literacy support that 826 Valencia provides to Bay Area students. You won’t want to miss these new and enlightening events.
**Are you an 826 Valencia volunteer? Look for your volunteer discount code in the volunteer newsletter!**
Erica Lorraine Scheidt
Teaching artist and longtime 826 Valencia volunteer, Erica Lorraine Scheidt is author of the young adult novel Uses for Boys (St. Martin’s Press). As a teenager, Erica studied at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University and later received an MA in creative writing from the University of California, Davis. She currently runs the Writers’ Workshop at the YMCA Teen Center in Berkeley and is an affiliate artist at Headlands Center for the Arts. Erica lives in Berkeley with her girlfriend and stepdaughter.
About the Night Writer Society:
The Night Writer Society is a group of Proud literary arts enthusiasts. Founded on the principles of Camraderie and “i before e” (except after c) these eminent men and women gather at convivial literary workshops, seminars, and soirees held in a pleasing environment. We welcome writers of all levels to join us in our meetings to hone their craft in blissful Unity. The Night Writer Society meets once a month at 826 Valencia.
About 826 Valencia:
826 Valencia was founded ten years ago by author Dave Eggers and educator NĂnive Calegari. It is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students ages 6 to 18 with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. Its services are structured around the belief that great leaps in learning can happen with one-on-one attention and that strong writing skills are fundamental to future success. 826 Valencia currently provides drop-in tutoring, after-school workshops, in-schools tutoring, help for English language learners and assistance with student publications. Drawing from a volunteer base of more than 1,000, which includes many teachers, writers and journalism professionals, 826 Valencia unites eager students with eager helpers. 826 Valencia’s pirate store serves as a gateway to the community and offers all of its proceeds in support of student programming.
Thank you to our official beer sponsor, Almanac Beer Co!