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Meet the August Volunteer of the Month: Lucy Kirchner

Lucy Kirchner has been staying up late with the always amazing, often stirring, and hilarious writing of 826 students since 2007. She has hung doortags, illustrated chapbooks, designed posters, proofread final-hour manuscripts, and even snuck her cat onto a book cover disguised as a monkey. Her most recent work can be spotted in the pages of the collaboratively redesigned 826 Quarterly. Lucy has loved working alongside María and the 826 editors, and while she isn’t seen during daylight hours often, you may catch her slinking in the back door to pick up book manuscripts from time to time.

When she isn’t designing for 826 and for the world at large, Lucy sporadically plays drums, bakes meat-flavored cookies, climbs up and down Bay Area hills seeking and sampling the best ice cream, over-thinks party decorations and costumes, trolls the aisles of grocery stores admiring food packaging (for fun), and attends as many shows as her wallet/eardrums will allow.

Read about past featured volunteers.