Our summer has finally come to a close (sigh), and it simply wouldn’t be in the pirate spirit to not acknowledge our summer volunteers. Volunteer of the Month Mitchell Kim has sported a bright smile and positive attitude since he first stepped into his volunteer orientation, and this summer brought his upbeat disposition to students at our Young Authors’ Workshop. Read on to see what led Mitchell to 826, how he rewards himself after a long tutoring session, and why he likes pirates best!
What is one of your favorite moments (memories, experiences or anecdotes!) from volunteering with 826 Valencia?
Fun bookmaking field trips with Captain Blue, podcast poems, and afternoon workshops at the Young Authors’ Workshop are all great memories, but my favorite has to be the recital at the end of camp put together by the Young Authors’ Workshop participants. Every single one was absolutely phenomenal, and it was especially fulfilling since I was able to see clear growth in the kids’ work, as compared to day one.
What led you to become part of our volunteer community?
I’ve always loved working with kids and been interested in education, but never found the time to volunteer with a full-time job. It happens to be that I am currently not working due to some visa issues, so a classmate of mine from improv (another fun activity I picked up after the visa troubles) recommended I check out 826 Valencia with the spare time I had, and here I am!
Given a choice of the three, which would you choose: pirates, pufferfish, or woodland creatures? Why?
Pirates. I love the ocean, and pufferfish are too ugly and thorny in my view (shh). I also like the wanderlust-y nature of pirates.
What would we find you doing when not you’re not volunteering at 826?
You may find me taking random strolls in the morning, reading at a park or cafe, taking improv classes, working out at the gym, or at the nearest jazz bar.
What is a piece of advice you would give a new 826 volunteer?
As long as you love the kids and working with them, I am certain you will have a great time. There can be moments where you feel completely used up after an afternoon-long session, though, so make sure you reward yourself with a treat, and have fun throughout!