We at 826 Valencia are always looking for ways to celebrate those who make a difference in young peoples’ lives every day. Enter the amazing teachers (and tutors!) who put their heart into work to help students succeed and be their best not just academically, but in all areas of life.
One way we highlight the dedication of these lovely folks is by honoring them with our Teacher of the Month Award. Teachers are nominated by students, parents, and others who send in letters, photos, and anything else that can be mailed in an envelope (feel free to get creative!), showing how special the teacher is. Please, note, that nominated teachers must have at least four years of experience in a classroom environment.
Nomination packets are accepted on a rolling basis and must include:
- Materials from at least one student (past or current)
- Materials from at least one adult, which could be: letters of support, pictures, illustrations, videos, or other materials that highlight specific examples of the teacher’s impact
- The correct pronouns the teacher goes by
- A contact phone number and email address along with your nomination; we’d like to be able to discuss the nominee with you
Awarded teachers will receive:
- The nomination packet you assembled
- A $1,500 award
- A certificate of appreciation
- A feature on our website
- An acknowledgment sent to their principal showcasing their award
Nominations can be filled out online on our Google form;
Emailed directly to: teacherofthemonth@826valencia.org;
Or materials can be dropped off or mailed to:
Stina Perkins
Teacher of the Month Program
826 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA
Learn more about past winners here and get inspired to make a teacher’s day/month/year a little brighter.