Join us for the release of the 826 Quarterly!

Featuring the best of our student writing from the summer and fall of 2014, this issue contains a crocodile selling glitter and unicorns falling from the sky.

Quarterly vol 21 reading invitationThe 826 Quarterly (published twice yearly, at least), will be releasing its twenty-first issue on May 28. Featuring the best of our programs’ student writing from the summer and fall of 2014, this issue contains, among other things, a crocodile selling glitter, a boy stuck in a glow stick, and unicorns falling from the sky.

Come join us in celebrating these young writers on Thursday, May 28, at 6 p.m. The party will feature readings by a selection of the authors, as well as milk and cookies. Family, friends, and volunteers, and 826 supporters are all encouraged to attend!

There is, perhaps, only one thing better than a book filled with funny, brilliant, and inspiring new work authored by San Francisco writers aged six to eighteen. And that is when these books come to you via a special kind of magic that we would like to introduce to you: the 826 Valencia Actually-Quarterly Subscription. Unlike our bi-annual Quarterly (some call it confounding, we call it a character quirk) the Actually-Quarterly Subscription delivers brilliant student writing to your doorstep four times a year (too easy, we know).

Your first opportunity to sign up is with the release of the latest and greatest from our students, the 826 Quarterly, Volume 21 with foreword by long-time volunteer and writer E. Eastman and illustrated by Eunice Moyle of Hello!Lucky Stationary.

Start your subscription at this Quarterly volume’s release party, or, if you can’t make it to Valencia Street, sign up yourself or your loved ones online.