Sign up for our free spring workshops today!

Our winter workshops have just ended, and our first spring class began last week with Lisa Brown’s new workshop How to Write A Ghost Story (there are still a few spaces left, if you’re interested in signing up).

Of course, we have oldies but goodies like the Valencia Bay-farer, Your Upcycled Paper Bag Book, and Writing and Publishing Apprentices returning as soon as this week.

Seasoned workshop teachers like Lisa Brown (American Chickens), Emma Capps (The Chapel Chronicles), and Sondra Hall (Take My Word for It) are teaching new workshops on ghost stories, grammar, and comics. Plus, we have amazing new offerings like Dancing to the Rhythm of Words by dancer and choreographer Liss Fain, Writing for the Symphony taught by music reviewer Jeff Kaliss, a treasure map workshop for younger students by Carla Brooke, and an opportunity to remystify the whale from Laura Bridgeman.

Sound good to you? Check out our Calendar to sign up, and if you have other questions about workshops, read our workshops page.

P.S. All our workshops are completely FREE.