Tenderloin Center designers win Communication Arts Design Award

Office and Gensler, our collaborators in the design of our Tenderloin Center, won the Communication Arts Design Award!

“826 Valencia, the world’s most creative nonprofit writing and tutoring center for kids, opened a new location in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood. The center is fronted by King Carl’s Emporium, a store for explorers and adventurers of all kinds, where a world-traveling royal puffer fish sells strange wares he brings back from his trips. When our team first met with 826 cofounder Dave Eggers to help create the concept’s visual identity, experience, and products, he told us to ‘make it weird.’ That’s the magic of 826. Weird is what engages kids and sparks their imagination.”

Congrats to Office and Gensler, our collaborators in the design of our Tenderloin Center, on taking home this cool award! See more pictures here.