A huge congratulations to our June Teacher of the Month, Max Anders! Mr. Anders teaches 9th and 12th grade English at Mission High School. We here at 826 Valencia are particularly fond of Mr. Anders, who collaborated with us this year for the Young Author’s Book Project. One 826 staffer commented that “Mr. Anders was a dream collaborator for this project,” in part because he knows his students well and tirelessly pushes them to be the best they can be.
Mr. Anders is a patient, kind, and dedicated educator. One student reflected that Mr. Anders provided constant encouragement during a recent mock debate. “He always told me I could do it,” she remembers. Mr. Anders also cares deeply about his students. As one of his students remarked, “He always tries his best so that we can do our best; he always gives us everything.” And this “rapport based on mutual respect,” as one 826 staff member commented, makes his students do their best to make him proud.
Finally, Mr. Anders is committed to making education available and equitable for all of his students. As a colleague of his said, “Max Anders is a hard-working teacher who respects his students’ right to learn; by this, I mean that he reflects on his teaching practice and modifies his instruction and content to meet the academic needs of his students.” By opening himself to constructive feedback and seeking advice from veteran teachers, Mr. Anders continues to hone his craft. “In time,” this colleague concluded, “Max will be a leader of teachers.”
Way to go, Mr. Anders! We have had a lot of fun collaborating with you this semester, and we are grateful to have amazing educators like you in our community.
Read more about our Teacher of the Month program.