Tyler said, “Where’s Charleshon? He’s so Black and we can’t see him in the dark.”
One day, I was having a party at school. It was an all-dark party. It was in a large place that smelled like pizza. There were a lot of people, and those people were singing “Happy Birthday.” People started joking and started saying they couldn’t see me because I’m Black.
So we turned on the lights and people said they could see me clearly now. My legs were shaking, and I was looking all around me. Everybody started laughing. I stomped my way to the bathroom, punching walls and constantly yelling at people for no reason. I looked in the mirror and asked myself, “Why do people make fun of my skin color?”
And a voice told me, “Because they’re jealous.”
So I walked back in the cafeteria and told them I didn’t like it when people made fun of my skin tone. So everyone respected my choice, and we got back to the party with the lights on.