Touch Grass

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Andy H., age 13

The wind of life,
Plants with living leaves and growing greens,Trees with towering height that you can see through the night.Vines that tangle and wrap around their friends, the waves that flows swiftly and gently,The ponds filled with peace and prosperity,The ocean, lively with constant waves crashing into each other.The animals, moving and living their lives with their instinct and their sole desire to live.Then, there are humans, complex and sophisticated life forms, the desires they have are higher than the sky. With every breath, they evolved into a new person with new desires, decisions, and their experiences makes them who they are. We all have differences and we are never the same,But even if we are different, we are all connected.The world is a big place, lively with a variety of things that are interesting and different,So different that we might never think we would be the same because we’re not, but we are all connected.We are not immortal, our life will soon dwindle away and disappear.So that’s why you should……Touch Grass!

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